Barcombe Future Modelling
Modelling the Future
The CommuniHeat project has been collecting information on how homes in Barcombe use energy and calculating how much energy the village will need in the coming years when it decarbonises. We have been busy doing individual home surveys, putting monitoring equipment into almost 50 houses as well as collecting publicly available data like Energy Performance Certificates. We have also been looking at all the places where renewable systems such as solar PV panels can be installed to see how much locally owned renewable energy could be generated in Barcombe.
This is all so that we can map how Barcombe’s electricity grid will act when the village transitions to zero carbon heating over the coming years. We have created digital copies of the village – Digital Twins – so that the project can show various scenarios as to how the electricity grid will react and, importantly, what upgrades are needed to the grid to keep the lights and electrical heating on at all times.
There will be more information on the Digital Twins and the computer mapping will continue to develop until the end the project in the autumn.
Below you can see the first stage of this visualisation and have a play around with the software. Please let us know if you want to discuss any aspect (or run into any problems).
Step 1
Watch the webinar
This video introduction is a useful place to start to orient yourself within the modelling tool.
Step 2
Log in & explore
Use these details to log in to the DigitalTwin modelling tool for Barcombe.
Want to know more?
Get in touch with our friendly team and we’ll be delighted to answer your questions.